OLANZ瘦身精油是采用多种纯天然单方精油配合协同作用调配出的复合精油。有利于皮肤的紧致光滑,消除橘皮肌肤和暗黄不光滑的表皮肌肤。利用精油细小的活性分子,精准快速渗透真皮层,参与全身的血液和淋巴循环,控制水分平衡,加快脂肪代谢和毒素的排导。【产品主要成分】葡萄籽油、胡萝卜籽精油、姜黄精油、迷迭精油、鼠尾草精油 、杜松精油等【产品主要功效】①加快卡路里燃烧,加快脂肪代谢。②促进血液及淋巴循环,增强肌肤活力。③紧致肌肤,让皮肤更加光亮有弹性。④排毒净化,帮助代谢废物。⑤使大脑更清醒,促使身体机能活跃,加强循环的作用。
As a type of compound oils made by a vaiety of pue natual essential oils, OLANZ thin oil can help skin smooth and compact, eliminate cellulite skin and epidemal skin that's not smooth and yellowish. The fine active molecules of the oil can get a apid penetation of the demis and paticipate in blood and lymph ciculation fo a contol of wate balance, acceleating fat metabolism and dischaging toxin.【Main Ingedients】Gape seed oil, caot seed oil, tumeic oil, osemay oil, sage oil, junipe oil, etc.-如果订购数量超过1000pcs,在上述报价的基础上我们将有更多的优惠。-如果订购数量超过5000pcs,我们可按您的要求更换包装。欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。