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Opeation Instuctions
Hand-held Compact Body Rolle, Body Contoued Design with Easy Gip, Poweful Motoized Rolle.
Connect main body to swivel wheel.The joint between main body and swivel wheel should be linked popety①.
Inset AC adapto into household outletBe sue to inset when it is in OFF position.Inset AC adapto②.
As shown in figue,inset hand into belt and hold the main body.Finge should touch ON/OFF③.
Push ON/OFF fom OFF position to LOW position.Befoe familia with it,please use LOW mode.Afte maste,you can use HIGH mode.
Refe to Diections fo Diffeent Pats in next page,apply the device to evey patand massage fo only five minutes,and it will take 30 minutes to massage all pat.
Afte use,push ON/OFF to the OFF position and unplug AC adapto.